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shaking hands with the guy that stood up when I got married
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shake the weasel
shake up
Shakespeare, William
shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln
shaking hands with Jack Mcnasty
shaking hands with Little Elvis
shaking hands with Mr. Happy
shaking hands with Mr. President
shaking hands with Shorty
shaking hands with the General
shaking hands with the unemployed
shaking hands with the wife's best friend
shaking hands with your John Thomas
shaking hands with Yul Brenner
shaking the bottle
shaking the dice
shaking the hand of the self-employed
shaking the hand of the unemployed
shaking the sauce
shaking the sausage
shaking the sheets
shaking the snake
shaking your (own) maracas
shaking your fist at the sky
shaking your hand at the sky
shake up
Shakespeare, William
shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln
shaking hands with Jack Mcnasty
shaking hands with Little Elvis
shaking hands with Mr. Happy
shaking hands with Mr. President
shaking hands with Shorty
shaking hands with the General
shaking hands with the guy that stood up when I got married
shaking hands with the midgetshaking hands with the unemployed
shaking hands with the wife's best friend
shaking hands with your John Thomas
shaking hands with Yul Brenner
shaking the bottle
shaking the dice
shaking the hand of the self-employed
shaking the hand of the unemployed
shaking the sauce
shaking the sausage
shaking the sheets
shaking the snake
shaking your (own) maracas
shaking your fist at the sky
shaking your hand at the sky